Work Remotely? Beware of Digital Overload

David Chou
2 min readJul 4, 2021

Working remotely is a hot topic, and it’s not hard to see why. Remote work has been proven to produce more output than in-office work, but at what cost? The digital meeting and video conferencing overload at work have been a hot topic for quite some time now. Studies show that working from home and spending time on video conferencing is a draining task.

Back To Back Meetings

If you are among the workers who live in fear of the back-to-back meetings on the calendar, you have a right to be concerned, as it does add stress. Digital overload is real, and something has to change. Companies and workers should start to build in 10–15 minutes between meetings by making meetings only 45 minutes vs. an hour.

Video is not always required

Multiple research projects at Microsoft reveal the toll video meetings take on our wellbeing. Video calls require more focus and deplete us faster. Phone calls, however, allow us to tune in just to a person’s voice without needing split attention.

You and your team can reduce the time spent on video calls by using them only for large groups and allowing people to turn off their video occasionally to preserve morale.

Establish specific remote working rules

